What is The Trager Approach?
The Trager Approach is the innovative approach to movement education, created and developed over a period of 65 years by Milton Trager, M.D. There are two aspects of The Trager Approach; one in which the client is passive called tablework and another in which the client is active, called Mentastics.
Utilizing gentle, non-intrusive, natural movements, The Trager Approach helps release deep-seated physical and mental patterns and facilitates deep muscular relaxation and increased joint mobility. These patterns may have developed in response to accidents, illnesses, or any kind of physical or emotional trauma, including the stress of everyday life.
During the table work session the client is passive and lying on a comfortably padded table. The practitioner moves the client in ways they naturally move, and with a quality of touch and movement such that the recipient experiences the feeling of moving that effortlessly and freely on his/her own. The movements are never forced so that there is no induced pain or discomfort to the client.
This quality of effortless movement is maintained and reinforced by Mentastics. These are simple, active, self induced movements which you, the client, can do on your own, during your daily activities. They have the same intent as the table work in terms of releasing deep-seated patterns.
Because many of the effects of The Trager Approach are cumulative, clients most often appreciate and will benefit most from a series of sessions.
What conditions is Trager Approach used for?
Trager Approach is effective for back and neck pain as well as other joint irritation and soft tissue discomfort. Tension headaches and functional (muscular) neck and shoulder pain, and other stress-related disorders can be relieved by the Trager Approach as well. Overall it is best used for postural problems, mobility issues and pain relief.